All eyes and attention are on the returning hostages in awe, pride, empathy, and reverence. They have made us, Shoshanna and Anne, reconsider how we define our role models, including their Torah observance, and not only because of it. May we never face such depraved adversity, but we find we must extrapolate from their perseverance and strength for our own lives.

Music: “Misery” by The Whips

Meeting the right person is never easy, but dating seems to be harder these days, with the guys having expectations of supermodels, while failing to be “mentsches” themselves. “Abby” and “Gila” (identities protected) join Shoshanna and Anne to talk about the unpleasant underbelly of what it takes to begin the process of finding Mr. Right.

Music: “Misery” by The Whips

When the people you believe will be your natural partners in activism denigrate you for your religious observance, that’s painful. But when others ignore the middle ground for the sake of their own entrenched beliefs, that’s just wrong. Shoshanna and Anne spotlight this positioning in Jewish (and Israeli) society, and call out the extremism of both right and left for being… extremist.

Music: “Misery” by The Whips

After one person’s complaint led the OU-Torah Tidbits to remove images of women from the back cover, Chochmat Nashim worked to increase women’s profiles in the publication, especially in writing more of the Torah columns. But what would have happened without those behind-the-scenes efforts? A case study in the value in speaking out.

Music: “Misery” by The Whips

Since October 7, it has been painful for many people of faith to approach God, to find the words to respond to our changing, impossible reality. A new book – AZ NASHIR brings all the pathos and the hope, providing words for those who can’t find their own. Compiled and edited by Shira Lankin Sheps, Rachel Sharansky Danziger, and Anne (!), this moving anthology brings together the poetic, prayerful words of prayer of more than 50 contributors and 15 artists, with prayers for nearly every circumstance of the past year. By women, for women, in their many varied voices.

To buy the book in Israel: click here.

For the English book launch, go to
Foro the Hebrew book launch, go to

Music: “Misery”by The Whips
