Ruth Water Resistant Poster




By Sefira Lightstone

A stranger in a foreign land. Determination and loyalty. Hopeful and kind. All of these descriptions describe the character and reality surrounding the story of Ruth the Moabite princess and her life. A life facing many challenges, I felt deeply connected to her because of her ability to embrace resilience and grace. We all go through times of blessing and times of difficulty, and what I loved about Ruth was her ability to weave light into every step she took. For example when her mother-in-law Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem, despite her effort to turn Ruth away, Ruth boldly testifies her commitment and loyalty to Naomi by saying “”Do not entreat me to leave you, to return from following you, for wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people and your God my God.” Instead of surrendering to fear of the unknown, she committed herself to her beliefs by moving forward through each next indicated step, ultimately bearing forth blessings as being the lineage of King David. 

Through my illustration, I aimed to capture the essence of Ruth’s strength and grace, hoping to inspire each of you to never let fear stop you from doing what you believe in. Rather than turning back and choosing an easier path, Ruth moved forward, supporting Naomi and facing life’s challenges head on.


About the Artist
My name is Sefira Lightstone and I am an illustrator, visual-artist, and activist living in Israel. I am an editorial illustrator and entrepreneur creating and selling soulful artistic products that empower Jews and women to embrace their identity. From a young age, I was exposed to all different forms of creativity from pottery, fine art, acting, dancing, and music. 


It was 7 years ago that I began to direct my passion and creativity into illustration. I spent years learning how to master techniques of color, composition, and arrangement. I have since developed my own personal style and am able to offer a unique perspective to every project I work on. Check out my work at



*we have been told by the company that it is weather resistant and not necessarily water-proof.


Please use your discretion as to whether you want to hang it in your Sukkah or get it laminated. 


Additional information

Weight N/A


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