The censoring of women’s images, and even their names, began in the most insular hasidic sects, but has increasingly become the norm in the Orthodox community. Having studied this phenomenon for years, and seeing the damage it causes in women’s financial, health, and religious lives, Chochmat Nashim is the leading voice fighting this harmful trend.
In articles, podcasts, interviews and speaking engagements, Chochmat Nashim shows how these policies negatively affect the community and provides individuals and communities can advocate putting Jewish women back in the picture.
Photographs advertising children’s clothing show boys modeling outfits, but the girls’ outfits are displayed on headless dress forms or on dolls.
Jewish Life Photo Bank
The Jewish Life Photo Bank directly counters the notion that images of Jewish women and girls are illicit and forbidden. We proudly show the faces of the community (over 200 volunteers across the Jewish world!) to show that Judaism is better when women are seen!
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- Podcast
Shoshanna and Anne take a hard look at the impact of the recent national events on the local experience of travail – the bombardment of so much emotional news and

- Podcast
All eyes and attention are on the returning hostages in awe, pride, empathy, and reverence. They have made us, Shoshanna and Anne, reconsider how we define our role models, including

- Podcast
Meeting the right person is never easy, but dating seems to be harder these days, with the guys having expectations of supermodels, while failing to be “mentsches” themselves. “Abby” and

- Podcast
The Modern Orthodox community knows about the problem, but it’s not going away. What YOU can do to fight erasing women — Shoshanna and Anne weigh in after more than

- Podcast
When the people you believe will be your natural partners in activism denigrate you for your religious observance, that’s painful. But when others ignore the middle ground for the sake

- Podcast
After one person’s complaint led the OU-Torah Tidbits to remove images of women from the back cover, Chochmat Nashim worked to increase women’s profiles in the publication, especially in writing

- Agunot, Articles

- Agunot, Articles
Readers of this paper will be aware of the firestorm surrounding the Domestic Abuse Act’s recent amendment that was sp ecifically crafted to help agunot — and the full-throated objection

- Articles
Three women made headlines in the past week. Each was abused by her husband. One is dead. One nearly died. And the other is still chained to her abuser 30

- Articles, Blog, Uncategorized, Women In Judaism
What does one wear to the world’s first women’s Siyum HaShas event? The question I posed on social media was a joke, a play on the idea of worrying about

- Articles, Blog, In The Media