In Israel change is made via joint effort between lawmakers and and grassroots organizations. Chochmat Nashim is a living example of how to promote the issues we all care about - agunot, mesuravot get, converts and women’s opportunities in Judaism. Much success in all of your work!
Member of Knesset Aliza Lavie

You say everything I am thinking. Thank you for being our voice in the issues that affect us all!
Jen D.

Because of your campaign, I went to the doctor and finally got the mammogram I've been putting off. They found something, and though I'm scared, I'm so glad I went. Thank you and keep pushing!!
Caroline B.

As a Torah teacher with a deep knowledge and passion for Jewish thought and law, I support the work of Chochmat Nashim.... I am also a father to five daughters and I am deeply grateful to Chochmat Nashim for their tireless efforts that ensure that the voice and rights of my daughters will be heard.
Rabbi Johnny Solomon

Started listening to the Chochmat Nashim podcast with Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll, Rachel Stomel and Anne Gordon. It's a must listen if you care about keeping Israel religiously sane.
Aaron Nielsenshultz via Twitter

You saved my life. Without you, I never would have gotten my get. Thank you for being there for me.
Dina G.

The work of Chochmat Nashim is paradigm altering for religious women. They are sane voices in an insane world- advocating against the systems that oppress religious women. They inspire us to be stronger and to refuse to accept injustices that hold women hostage. Their voices ripple beyond their work, and serve as role models for the entire Jewish community. Personally, their advocacy, grace and balance of differentiating between the framework of Halacha and societal choices, empowered me to be an advocate for Jewish women through my work with The Layers Project Magazine, In-depth insights into the lives of Jewish women.
Shira Lankin Sheps

This is a perfect example of women leaders making a difference. The OU was silent until now on this issue, and Shoshanna Keats-Jaskoll's voice helped you find yours. Too many rabbinic leaders are silent on the gradual disappearance of women from Jewish society. Silence is acquiescence. Looking forward to seeing Rabbis gather enough courage to speak out pro-actively, rather than defensively.
Miriam Schwab
Chochmat Nashim speaks for a return to an authentic Judaism that is moderate and balanced. They are the voice, not only for those women who have been silenced and erased, but for those of us - both men and women of good conscience - who care deeply about the future of Judaism and do not wish to see its lofty values distorted and corrupted. Their success is our success.
Karyn Goldberger